

chicken alla milanese

4 skinned chicken breasts
breadcrumbs - about 150gms
grated zest of one unwaxed lemon
50g freshly grated Parmesan
5ml dried oregano
salt and pepper
2 medium eggs, beaten
olive oil
greaseproof paper

olive oil
1 onion, finely chopped
tin of chopped tomatoes
salt and pepper

on a large, flat plate, mix together the breadcrumbs, oregano, lemon rind, salt and pepper. Pour the beaten eggs onto a second large, flat plate.

lay chicken breasts between sheets of greaseproof paper, and wallop the shit out them until they've spread, and are about 1cm thick.

dip chicken breasts into egg, then into breadcrumbs.  Press the crumbs into the chicken.  Put coated chicken onto a clean plate.  A counsel of perfection is to repeat the process after a few minutes - helps to ensure that the chicken is beautifully coated in crumbs.

heat oil in large frying pan and cook the chicken for about 7-8 minutes each side, until golden brown and cooked through.

sauce:  put oil into a pan and cook onion until softened.  Add tomatoes and cook 5-7 mins.  Add seasoning to taste.  Serve with chicken.

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posted by sasha on 11 Feb 06 - 9230 views


recipes from Sasha