

chocolate caramel squares

Chocolate caramel squares

I use a 32cm x 23cm pan (about 9x13 inch) and wouldn't make a full batch in a smaller pan, as these are already quite thick. Works well in a bigger pan though, you just get thinner squares. You might have to adjust the amount of chocolate a little if your pan is much bigger though.


  • 225g (8oz) margarine
  • 115g (4oz) caster sugar
  • 285g (10oz) plain flour

Rub margarine into flour and sugar. Press into tray. Bake at 175°C (350°F) for about 20 mins, until golden brown, and leave to cool. Under cook rather than over bake.

  • 225g (8oz) margarine
  • 1 tin (397g/14oz) sweetened condensed milk
  • 225g (8oz) sugar
  • 4 tablespoons golden syrup

Bring all ingredients to boil. Boil for 5-7 mins stirring all the time. Cool a little and pour over base. Leave until cold.

Melt about 200g (7oz) chocolate and spread on top. Allow to set before cutting.

1 comment to this

christinac040404 said on 31 Jul 2009 at 22:50:27:

These are absolutely delicious. Everyone in my house loves them. I used milky bar for top though. Yum.

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posted by geek_kitten on 23 Feb 06 - 59664 views

recipes from geek_kitten