

pilaff rice

serves 5 with some leftovers

2 onions
2 fresh bay leaves
about 250g long grain or basmati rice
olive oil
about 500 ml chicken stock
black pepper

Heat oven to 200 degrees C

Finely chop the onions.

Heat oil in a deepish frying pan (an Anolon-type chef's pan is perfect) and add the onions.

Fry until tender but not browned.

Add the rice and bayleaves and coarsely ground black pepper and stir, frying until the rice is transparent.

Place rice and onions in a deep oven-proof dish and pour over the stock. You're aiming to have the mixture covered by just under 1 cm of liquid.

Cover the dish with tin foil and bake for between 40 minutes and 1 hour until all the liquid has been absorbed.

Fluff the rice with a fork and serve.

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posted by moyra on 04 Apr 08 - 7043 views


recipes from Moyra