

pork fillet with mushrooms, mustard and creme fraiche

Sorry the above quantities are a bit vague - I've been making this so long now that I do it by eye and feel, rather than actually measuring anything :-)


1 pork fillet
punnet of mushrooms
couple of tbsp creme fraiche
large tsp coarse-grained mustard
butter/olive oil
seasoning to tasteĀ  (particularly black pepper)

Slice the pork fillet into medallions of about 1 cm wide. Place between 2 layers of clingfilm and pound gently with a rolling pin.

Slice the mushrooms reasonably thinly.

Heat the butter and olive oil in a frying pan.

Brown the medallions lightly on either side.

Remove pork from pan and allow to rest.

Fry the mushrooms gently then remove from pan,

Deglaze the pan with a good sploosh of Calvados or brandy

Stir in a couple of tablespoons of creme fraiche and a large teaspoon of coarse-grained mustard. Season to taste - black pepper's particularly good here. Stir well and bring to a gentle simmer.

Return pork and mushrooms to the pan and allow the pork to finish cooking while the sauce reduces to a nice thick creamy and smooth texture.

Serve with a pilaff rice or red camargue rice.

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posted by moyra on 04 Apr 08 - 32142 views


recipes from Moyra