

sweet potato and pancetta hash

This is very cheering on a cold day, but I don't suppose it's particularly low in calories.

150/200gms cubed pancetta or smoked bacon bits
1 kilo sweet potatoes
1 red chilli
olive oil
a handful of parsley, chopped

Peel sweet potatoes and chop into smallish chunks.  Put in a saucepan with salted water to cover and bring to the boil.  Turn down and simmer with lid on for ten minutes or so.

Put pancetta into a frying pan with a couple of tablespoonsful of water and a little slosh of olive oil.  Cook slowly, melting the fat and making the bacon turn golden.  Don't cook too fast or the bacon bits will be burnt.

When sweet potatoes are very soft (prod them discreetly with a knife point), drain them well.  Put the frying pan with pancetta back on the heat, add a couple of tablespoonsful of olive oil then add the sweet potatoes to the frying pan.  At the same time, add chopped red chilli and parsley, and stir to mix thoroughly, using a wooden spatula to squash the sweet potatoes.

Leave to cook over a medium/slow heat for about ten minutes.  Lift a portion of the potato cake to check that it has browned on the bottom.  If it has, put a dinner plate over the top of the pan, then pick up the pan and tip the potato cake out onto the plate.  Return empty pan to heat and slide the potato cake back.  Cook for another ten minutes or so.  Serve with a nice green salad.

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posted by sasha on 05 Mar 08 - 7227 views


recipes from Sasha