

spatchcocked and cauliflower

Smack the spatchcock into the roasting pan, stick in the oven.

Come back about 15 mins before it is due out and boil/steam the cauliflower and any other veg you want as sides.

Once the cauli is cooked, drain and put back in to the hot pan to steam off the remainder of the water - don't want the end result watery.

Add a dollop of garlic pureed, a good handful of grated cheese, mature cheddar is perfect, and some milk and freshly ground black pepper then either mash or liquidise as per your preference.

Put back on the heat whilst you get the plates out and drain off the other veg (we had simply steamed chantenay carrots.

Place big dollop of creamed cheesy cauliflower onto the middle of the plate, place half the poisson on top and arrange the carrots around the dish.

We also had some little sausages wrapped in bacon left over from another meal so had those too.

posted by nauori on 24 Mar 13 - 3231 views

recipes from Nauori