

bakewell pudding

Not convinced by the authenticity of this recipe.  Puff pastry!?

Puff Pastry (8oz. 225g)
60ml (4tbsp) Strawberry Jam

100g (4oz) ground almonds
100g caster sugar
50g butter
3 eggs beaten
1.25ml (1/4tsp) almond flavouring

1 roll out the pastry and line a 1.5 pint dish. Spread the jam on the  pastry, chill.

2 beat the almonds, sugar, butter,eggs and almond flavouring together in a bowl. Pour the filling over the jam and spread evenly.

3 Bake in the oven at 200 C (400F) or mark 6 for 30 mins or until the filling is set.

Serve warm or cold with cream or custard.

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posted by niles on 08 Dec 06 - 5550 views

recipes from niles