


A very simple recipe for either 32 traditional shortcake fingers or 16 cookies.

  • 275g plain flour
  • 25g ground almonds
  • 250g butter (softened)
  • 75g golden caster sugar
  • grated rind of half a lemon (optional)

Preheat oven to 180C/350F

Allow butter to soften for half an hour at room temperature

Using a little of the butter, grease a swiss roll tin (if you are making shortbread fingers) or a baking tray (if you are making biscuits).

Put all other ingredients in food processor and mix! You may have to incorporate the last bits by hand, it should all come together as a smooth dough. (You can of course mix by hand, working the flour into the butter with your fingertips if you prefer).

Fingers: Place mixture in tray and smooth with spatula.

Biscuits: Roll mixture gently to about 1cm thick, cut into rounds with cutter and transfer to baking tray with spatula.

Bake for 20 mins or until golden. It is very easy to overcook (especially the biscuits) so adjust times for your oven accordingly.

Remove from the oven, and immediately mark the shortbread into fingers. Dust with a little caster sugar if you wish.

Allow to cool and harden for a few minutes and transfer to a rack to cool.

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posted by mistercee on 30 Jan 11 - 4873 views

recipes from mistercee