

the daring cooks october challenge

The Daring Cooks October Challenge

Bit of background- I've joined The Daring Cooks (and the Daring Bakers) challenge- basically once a month you are given a new recipe to try out and on the "reveal" day you post up your results. The reveal day for the Cooks challenge is the 14th of the month (the Bakers is the 27th). For more info check out

Anyway, this months challenge was a Vietnamese Chicken Pho set by Jaden Hair of The Steamy Kitchen. The recipe is here:

I did the long version which meant you made the chicken stock from scratch- The short version was stock from a can.

Here's my effort:

First thing- I need to practice my food photography. I followed the recipe quite faithfully with a couple of differences:

1. I added the chicken giblets to the stock to make a more in-depth flavoured stock.

2. I reduced the stock in order to intensify the flavours and gel up the stock a little more.

3. I didn't skim the stock- I did my usual- made the stock, stuck it in the fridge and then removed the fat layer from the top once it had chilled.

One change I would make in the future is to grind down the spices using a mortar and pestle in order to concentrate the spice flavour. Other than that the recipe was really good. The pho was great- good flavours and unctuous. I'll definitely do this one again.

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posted by hem on 14 Oct 09 - 6046 views


recipes from hem