

carrot and ginger soup

serves six

275gms/10ozs onions
900gms/2lb carrots
7.5cm/3" piece fresh ginger
50gm/2ozs butter
2 cloves garlic
300ml/10fl oz white wine
1.4litres/21/2 pints veg stock
salt and pepper
creme fraiche to serve

roughly chop onions and carrots. Peel and chop or grate ginger.  Melt butter in large saucepan.  Put in onions, carrots, ginger and crushed garlic and cook, stirring, for 4-5 mins over low heat.  Add wine and stock.  Bring to boil, then simmer, covered, for 25-30 mins, until the vegetables are tender.  Cool slightly.  Blend soup in liquidiser until very smooth.  Adjust seasoning and serve immediately with a dob of creme fraiche in each bowl. 

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posted by sasha on 11 Feb 06 - 6224 views


recipes from Sasha