

how to get 4 pans dirty making cauliflower cheese

Hardly as if anyone here needs help making cauliflower cheese ;) 

 To make cauliflower cheese, you need to get at least four cooking receptacles, a sieve and a chopping board dirty - if not more. Here's how, cauli cheese for 2:

Chop up one cauliflower and discard the tough bits and outer leaves
Take the first pan (medium) and boil the cauliflower from cold - approx 12 minutes. Meanwhile, take a milk pan and half an onion studded with cloves. Add 300ml milk and bring to the boil.
When the milk has boiled turn the gas off and leave to sit infusing the flavours from the onion and cloves until the cauliflower is only slightly crunchy.
Meanwhile grate approx 200gr strongly flavoured cheese - I used half parmesan and half mature cheddar.
In a third pan, melt a knob of butter and stir in a big spoon of flour. Stir vigorously until mixed, then slowly pour in the milk through a sieve to trap the flavourings, whisking all the while.
Whisk until no lumps remain, then add the cheese and whisk until it has melted, then add a spoonful of Dijon mustard and mix some more.
Butter a fourth pan, the dish it will go into the oven in, put the cooked, drained cauliflower in, then pour over the completed sauce.
Scatter a little more cheese across the top and put under a grill for 5-10 minutes until the mix is browned.
Voilà - one cauliflower cheese, four dirty pans.

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posted by niles on 29 Dec 08 - 6370 views

recipes from niles