

tagliatelle with sage and dried porcini

This is a River Café recipe, and it's absolutely excellent.  Mind you, there's a lot of very naughty butter and a bit of very naughty cream it in.


35g dried porcini
1 organic lemon
100g unsalted butter
2 cloves garlic, finely sliced
10 sage leaves
1 dried, crumbled chilli
4 tbsps double cream
sea salt
black pepper
320g tagliatelle

Soak dried mushrooms in 200ml hot water for 20 minutes. Cut the peel of half the lemon into strips.

Drain porcini – but don’t throw away the soaking water! Rinse the mushrooms and chop roughly. Strain the mushroom liquid through muslin and reserve.

Melt butter in thick-bottomed pan and add garlic, sage and chilli. Colour, then add porcini. Fry until soft, then add 4 tablespoons of the soaking liquid, and simmer until most of the juice has been absorbed. Add cream and lemon peel, and reduce until sauce is creamy and thick. Season.

Cook tagliatelle in boiling salted water until al dente, then drain. Add to the sauce and stir to coat each ribbon of the tagliatelle.

1 comment to this

ramtops said on 19 Nov 2008 at 08:58:53:

Looks delicious!

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posted by sasha on 18 Nov 08 - 4331 views


recipes from Sasha