

glazed carrots

This recipe is very easy and very delicious indeed.  Please don't worry too much about exact quantities.

1 bunch of carrots (or approx 500gms if not bunched)
1 tablespoon olive oil (you can use a walnut-sized lump of unsalted butter if you prefer)
half a tablespoon granulated sugar
3 tablespoons water
large pinch of salt
Finely chopped parsley to garnish

You can either slice your carrots very thinly, or cut them into little batons - this is a matter for aesthetic judgement.

In a saucepan, heat together the olive oil, sugar, water and salt.  Slosh the pan gently over the heat to mix all the ingredients together.  When they're all mixed, pour in the carrots.  Put on the lid of the pan.  Shake well to ensure that all carrots are coated with the cooking liquor.  Cook slowly over gentle heat, shaking well at regular intervals so that the carrots cook evenly.

Check from time to time to make sure that the water hasn't boiled away.  If the mixture seems dry, add another tablespoonful of water.

The carrots should be done in around 20 minutes, but taste them and see when they are done to your taste.

Add salt if you feel it is needed.  Sprinkle with finely-chopped parsley and serve.

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posted by sasha on 23 Feb 06 - 7045 views


recipes from Sasha