

sacraficialangel7 is Elaine


I was born in April 1989. I'm aries. I'm a student at the university of glasgow, studying maths and hoping to become a teacher. I'm also a bit of a nutcase...I figure it amuses people and it keeps me going.

I've always enjoyed cooking and I can get pretty creative in the kitchen. I never follow a recipe exactly because it's just not me... how can I be proud of my creation if it's entirely someone else's recipe?

My dad was the one who taught me everything... The first things he taught me to cook were the basics; Porridge, Coleslaw, Pancakes (Crepes, not drop-scones), and a 1-eyed monster (make a hole in the middle of a bit of bread about 1 1/2 inches across, fry the bread on both sides, crack an egg in the middle so the yolk is the "eye", and cook through).

When my parents split up (happens to the best of us) I pretty much cooked for myself and my sister. I tried every herb and spice in the cupboard and came out with all things wierd and wonderful (including green scrambled eggs at one point...without food colouring!) until I figured out what went together.

Thanks to my grandmother I now own a really useful cook book which I frequently refer to for guidance. 'Twas my 17th birthday present, which came in handy since I left home a couple of months later.

Since leaving home I've basically been either in the kitchen being creative, or at uni with my nose in a book and occasionally in a pint (a tee-total student is either allergic or lying usually...or doing his/her dissertation).

That's my life story from the view of the kitchen :D Ciao!

sacraficialangel7 has posted 2 recipes